Yes, you can take Creatine and Protein at the same time. It is called supplement drinking. Many active people mix or take supplements together which makes supplementation convenient.
What is Supplement drinking?
To stack a powder means to combine two or more supplement powders together. There are countless combinations to use. For example, you may stack protein powder with supplement powders such as Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs), Creatine, Glutamine, Beta-alanine, HMB, Caffeine and/or Carbohydrates. You can even create Blended Proteins by drinking other high-quality complete proteins such as slow-digesting Casein Protein Powder with Whey or plant-based Protein Powder. How you stack your protein powder can also vary depending on goals.
Let us understand how creatine and protein work individually and then what happens when you drink them together.
How Creatine Works?
Every cell needs energy to function. Muscle cells need energy to contract. This energy is in the form of a molecule called ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate). Energy is produced when one of the phosphate groups is removed from the ATP molecule. Once the one phosphate group is removed, only two remain. The molecule is now called ADP (Adenosine Diphosphate). This “recycling” process requires energy and the replacement of the third phosphate.
Creatine can support energy production by supporting ATP regeneration.
Creatine may support strength, power, performance, recovery, and muscle building when taken over time with regular resistance exercise.
How Protein Works?
Proteins are the body’s building blocks. These building blocks are used by numerous aspects of your body – to maintain body structure, enzyme reactions, facilitating movement, and transporting oxygen through the bloodstream. Protein is also important to metabolism and hormones. What many people don’t realize is proteins can also act as an energy source for the body, especially when carbohydrates and fat stores are low.
Protein is especially important for muscles as muscles are made of protein. Proteins, and its metabolites- amino acids are important for muscle recovery, rebuilding and maintenance.
What happens when you mix creatine with protein?
Protein (from food and supplement) when taken over time along with resistance training may support your muscle recovery/rebuilding/gains, etc. And if you are taking creatine over time, it will help you perform the training with more power, thus you can do more weights and repetitions which over the time will help you get stronger.
Confusing as it sounds it is pretty simple- Muscle Protein Synthesis (muscle rebuilding) does not happen by itself, there are certain things that trigger it or helps start the reaction. 3 such well known triggers are-
- Resistance Training
- Protein Intake
- Leucine (BCAA) intake
Taking creatine helps with power and you can do more resistance training and taking a good quality supplement such as Whey Protein will ensure you are meeting adequate intake, and Whey also naturally contains BCAA.
Drinking creatine with whey protein is one way of ensuring muscle gains.
You can think beyond creatine, and protein. There are many other supplements that you can stack together.
Before you consider drinking creatine and Protein together here are some important considerations-
Health History
In case of any medical conditions, pregnancy/breastfeeding and for kids, it is always advisable to consult with physician before starting any supplement routine, drinking or otherwise! Typically for healthy adults taking supplements in advised doses drinking should be no issue.
Your Goal
Sports Nutrition supplements have very specific effect. For example, protein supplements may help with muscle recovery, Creatine helps with power, Caffeine helps with energy and focus so depending on what your ultimate goal is choose the supplements. Here are some goals and products you can stack to achieve that goal-
Goal | Stack |
Muscle Size & Strength | Creatine & Whey Protein/Plant Protein* |
Endurance Support | Whey/Plant Protein & Preworkout |
Training Support | BCAA & Pre-Workout |
Night-time Nutrition | BCAAs & Casein Shake |
*When taken over time with regular resistance exercise.
An important consideration for any stack is flavour compatibility. Unflavoured powders are ideally mixed into flavoured protein shakes and other beverages to mask the taste. Fruit flavoured powders can complement vanilla and chocolate-based powders but mix together a little at a time to maintain a good balance of flavour.
Taste isn’t the only reason to mix unflavoured creatine powder into a flavoured protein shake or fruit juice. The liquid density helps keep the powder suspended in solution longer.
Optimum Nutrition Micronised Creatine Powder is flavourless for this very reason so that you can mix/stack it with any other products.
When mixing or drinking always make sure you check ingredient list carefully as many a times supplements you are drinking could have same ingredients and when stacked together it will increase the dose or potency of that ingredient. And if that is what you desire then ok but always make sure that you are not going above recommended levels. More isn’t always better. In some cases, too much of one ingredient is a waste of money, but too much of an ingredient like caffeine can become a cause for concern.
Take Home Message
If you r goal is muscle size and strength, drinking creatine with protein is one convenient hack you should try. Know your goals and your health history first.