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Can You Mix Whey Protein with Greek Yogurt?


Can You Mix Whey Protein with Greek Yogurt

Can you mix whey protein with yogurt/milk/other ingredients? How does it or does it affect its recovery benefits? And what is the best way of consuming whey protein overall. Let us look at all the ways you can consume whey proteins and some mouth-watering recipes.

Whey is a fast-digesting protein, does making recipes affect its rate of digestion?

Yes, typically if you mix whey with Greek yogurt, milk, flour or add other ingredients to it to make any recipe it will alter the speed of digestion. However, does the speed of digestion really matter when it comes to muscle recovery?

There is a persistent myth that right after workout your muscle are starved and hence if you provide them with amino acids, they will just drink those up and recover faster! That is in fact not how muscle recovery works. Muscle recovery happens in waves, and it happens through the day and may last for days. This is why it is imperative that you maintain a positive amino acid levels throughout the day. One way of achieving this is by consuming high protein meals and snacks throughout the day and taking the supplement at a time that is convenient for you. Eating high protein diet and taking supplement consistently will ensure that you are in positive net balance of amino acids at the end of the day. Positive net balance of amino acids is a more dependable predictor of muscle recovery, and not speed of digestion!

Benefits of protein recipes

  1. Breaks monotony: protein shakes can get boring so making smoothies, baking with it and or adding it to yogurt might be some mouth-watering ways of breaking the monotony!
  2. Amp up the nutritional value: Mixing with milk, yogurt, egg in different recipes is great way of amping up the total protein content of the whey protein recipe. Also, if you add fruits it helps add fibre, vitamins and minerals.

When should you avoid mixing whey protein with milk/yogurt?

  1. When on calorie restriction: Milk, yogurt, avocado, fruits can amp up the caloric count of your protein shake/recipe. When trying to cut down on caloric intake stick with mixing your whey protein with plain old cold water.
  2. Food allergies/intolerances: If you are allergic/sensitive to any specific food ingredient avoid mixing it with your whey protein to make any recipes. For example, avoid mixing your lactose free whey protein isolate with yogurt/milk. If gluten sensitive, avoid baking with wheat flour. So on and so forth.

Take Home Message

Typically, unless there is a specific dietary or medical reason why you should not mix your whey protein with things such as milk, yogurt, eggs, flour you should definitely try making recipes with it. Here are 2 simple and delicious whey protein recipes for you to try-


  2. Wooden Center Tables


½ cup (40g) old fashioned oats
½ scoop Gold Standard 100% Whey - Vanilla
⅓ cup (82g) lowfat milk
¼ cup (57g) nonfat Greek yogurt
2 teaspoons (8g) chia seeds
Sprinkle of ground cinnamon
Pinch of salt


Mix all ingredients together in a jar or air-tight container. Place in the refrigerator for at least 6 hours.

Enjoy cold with the toppings of your choice! Loosen with an extra splash of milk if it’s too thick. Note that macros for additional toppings are not included. See below for a few of our favorite flavor variations!

Total Recipe Time

6 min.
Serves: 1 serving.
Nutritional Values (per serving)
Calories: 350, Protein: 27g, Carbs: 48g, Fat: 6g.


  2. Wooden Center Tables


¾ cup (115g) fresh or frozen blueberries
½ Frozen Banana
1 scoop Gold Standard 100% Whey Protein powder - Double Rich Chocolate
2 tablespoons (10g) unsweetened cocoa powder
1 ¼ cups (307g) fat free milk
2 oz (60g) 100% pomegranate juice
3-5 ice cubes


Add all ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth.

Total Recipe Time

5 min.
Serves: 1 serving. Nutritional Values (per serving)
Calories: 430, Protein: 38g, Carbs: 62g, Fat: 3.5g.