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Protein Calculator

Get estimated daily protein requirements based on your training goals and expert advice to help you unlock more from your training.

In under 60 seconds discover:

  • How much protein per day you need, along with tailored recommendations for carbohydrates, fats, and calories based on your training goals.

  • What Optimum Nutrition products are best suited to unlock more from your training and exercise.

  • Expert tips to help you achieve your health and fitness goals.


Most frequent questions

To maintain muscle and lose body fat you should focus on exercise that combines strength training with cardiovascular workouts, ensuring both muscle growth and fat loss and a well-balanced nutrition plan. Ensuring you're in a modest calorie deficit (approx. 250 calories per day) for fat loss while consuming adequate protein, which is crucial for maintaining muscle mass during the weight loss process. Check out our protein calculator to get estimated calorie and protein recommendations to support your performance goals.

Consuming enough protein is one of the most important factors to successfully building muscle. However, it can be challenging to figure our how much protein per day to ensure you are optimising your muscle gains. Our India protein calculator is the ultimate protein calculator for muscle gain and can help you learn how much protein you need. Find your daily protein number and understand what and how much food you need to eat, with our protein calculator to build muscle.

How much protein do I need? This is one of the most important questions you should ask to optimise your performance goals. Protein, provides your body with the building blocks to support your muscle’s repair and growth after exercise, supporting your recovery whether you are on the track, pitch or in the gym. Understanding, how much protein per day is not a one-size fits all, protein requirements are based on several factors, including your age, gender, weight, activity level and your performance goal. Learn your daily protein number in under 60 seconds with our free protein calculator.

The Optimum Nutrition Protein Calculator is based on clinical equations and the latest scientific sports and exercise guidelines to provide you with an estimate of your daily protein requirements to help you optimise your recovery and unlock more from your performance. The Optimum Nutrition Calculator was designed by Dr. Crionna Tobin, a PhD of exercise physiology and performance nutrition, who has worked with athletes and clients of all sporting disciplines and levels over the last 15 years. She believes hitting your daily protein number is key to maintaining training consistency and achieving your performance goals.

The information provided by the Protein Calculator are ESTIMATE amounts based on independent scientific formula and scientific guidelines and should only be used as guidelines. We advise those seeking specific guidelines consult a sports dietician/nutritionist.

This calculator estimates your specific daily calories or energy and macronutrient (protein, carbohydrate and fat) recommendations based on the data you provide when answering the following questions.

1. Physical attributes. Your height, weight, age and gender are used to calculate your basal metabolic rate, which is the minimum amount of calories you need every for your body to function. This data is inputted into the Harris-Benedict formula, one of the most used predictive equations for energy expenditure in clinical practice Globally. The calorie estimation calculated at this step is the bare minimum amount of energy you need to function daily.

2. Daily and planned physical activity level. Once your basal metabolic rate is estimated using the Harris-Benedict formula, the next step is to adjust this number based on how active you are daily, which includes any planned exercise sessions. This calculates an estimation of how many calories you need daily to sustain your activities and maintain a constant body weight.

3. Physical Goals. This data contributes to personalising your daily energy, protein, carbohydrate and fat recommendations based on your overall body composition. For example, if you choose a goal of weight loss, your daily calorie recommendations will be reduced by 500 kcal. This is based on the simple equation that to lose 1 lb. weekly you require a daily calorie deficit of approximately 500 calories. Similarly, if you goal is to build muscle or gain muscle bulk, your daily calorie recommendations will be increased by 250-500 calories respectively, as muscle growth is an energy expensive process and requires an increase in daily calories.

Protein Calculator

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This calculator is for those aged 18 years and older. The protein calculator is for education purposes only. The calorie and macronutrient recommendations provided by this calculator are ESTIMATES based on independent scientific formula and should only be used as guidelines. To calculate Protein requirement of Sedentary & Lightly Active people we are using ICMR NIN Nutrients Requirement for Indians (2024), and to calculate Protein requirement of Moderately & Heavily Active people we are using ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine) Guidelines.